Questions from Adults
And, it can be even more difficult, because we don’t see God sitting right in front of us, when we pray. In fact, at times when I’m praying, I find myself drifting off from my prayer and beginning to think of completely unrelated things, like stuff I need to get done, etc. When that happens, I ask God to help me ignore the distractions that are getting in the way and to help me concentrate on Him and stay focused on praying.
Like so many things in life, prayer takes discipline and practice. Stick with it . . . God loves it when His children want to spend time talking to and hearing from Him! And, best of all, we can be completely honest with Him about our thoughts, feelings, frustrations, fears, joys, hopes and desires.
God gave us free will to exercise so that we would be in a relationship with Him because we want to, not because we have to or are forced to. If we were in relationships with people we didn’t want to be in relationships with (for example, being forced to marry someone we didn’t want to marry and spend the rest of our lives with), it would not be rewarding, productive or enjoyable. God wants our devotion and our obedience. But in His wisdom, He knows that these things only mean something if we give them of our own accord. If he programmed us and forced us to do everything without having a choice, we would be like robots that interacted with Him only because He forced us to. If we were robots, anything we did would be meaningless. There would be no way to show real love, devotion, etc. He wants us to act out of love and out of a desire to please and honor Him. It means more -- and it’s real -- when we have a choice.
Free will can be painful, though. We’ve all made choices and decisions that we should not have made. But, God can also use these experiences to strengthen and mature us. He helps us learn and grow from mistakes. The apostle Paul talks about difficult times in our lives, as well. He said that God can and often does use difficulties to give us a sense of compassion so that we can minister to others we encounter who are facing similar situations. Isn’t it encouraging to think that God can take painful circumstances to actually give us our own ministry of compassion to encourage and help others while serving Him?! And, even though He lets us deal with and suffer the consequences of our choices and actions, He promises to be with us through those times if we ask Him. Also, if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior and accepted His sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins, we have the hope of heaven. Even though life can seem like hell on Earth at times, when we have the hope of heaven, it helps make even the worst situations bearable. Dealing with pain, grief and sadness makes God’s promises that Heaven will be without tears, pain and suffering even sweeter.
What does this mean ? We will address this by first addressing the question of "what is character".
What is Character? Character is integrity (being a man of your word; i.e., if you say you will do something, you can be counted on to do it, rather than blowing it off). Character is integrity of a second kind (i.e., what you see is what you get; being the same person in private as you are in public). Character is absence of Hypocrisy. Character is looking out for the good of your family rather than just what feels good to you. Character is looking out for the good of others, even outside your family, rather than just what feels good to you. Character is behaving as if you are a citizen of Heaven rather than as if you are a citizen of earth (or hell). Character is living with a focus on the long-term rather than with a focus on just the short-term. Character is taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. Character is facing up to the consequences of your actions. Character is in not viewing yourself as a victim of circumstances or of others. Character is in recognizing that you are the master of your destiny (within the parameters set by God) and are not just a pawn that is pushed around by external forces. Character is in recognizing that our choices to do evil are a consequence of our inclination to sin, and are not just a consequence of some "sickness" upon which we can try to blame our choices to do evil.
God's intention is to develop Character in us. That is the purpose of our existence here on earth. Earth is boot-camp in which to develop character (for ourselves), and to help others develop character.
Character is essential for humans (on earth) or eternal beings (in heaven) to be able to live in community, in harmony, with peace, love and Joy. If Heaven were full of beings without Character, Heaven would become Hell (a worse hell than the hell we humans have created here on earth, as a result of our sinful choices).
God permits us to experience the negative consequences of our actions. By doing so, he develops our character.
Example. I stick my finger in a candle-flame. I experience pain. This keeps me from sticking my finger in the flame again (in the future). In a sense, I have developed Character – i.e., I have come to realize that my action (sticking my finger in the flame) has a negative consequence, and so I don’t repeat the action in the future. My behavior has changed for the future. My character has grown.
Example 2: A child tries to stick her finger in a flame. Because I have experienced the negative consequence (pain) from the flame, I know that the flame can hurt the child. So I stop the child from sticking her finger in the flame. My negative experience (pain) in the past, has now helped the child, and protected her from pain. This is an example of my character (once developed) in action.
Example 3: There are many things that God teaches us to do (in the Bible) because they are good for us, and good for society. When we do these things our character grows, and pain and suffering are reduced in society. E.g., obey our parents; take care of our children; teach our children about God and about how to live good moral lives; take care of our ageing parents; help the deserving poor; help the deserving sick; help the orphans; be respectful towards one another; be kind to one another; etc.
Example 4: There are many things that God teaches us to NOT do (in the Bible) because they are bad for us, and bad for society. When we choose to NOT do these things, our character grows, and pain and suffering are reduced in society. E.g., do not steal; do not kill children; do not kill innocent people; do not beat people up; do not drink to the extent of becoming drunk; an application of that concept is -- do not do drugs; do not be slothful or lazy; do not participate in sex before marriage or outside of marriage; do not divorce your spouse; etc.
On the other hand, because our society is in rebellion against God… our society teaches us to "do whatever feels good" even at the expense of destroying our own lives, and the lives of people around us. When we do this, we end up destroying our own character (and damaging the character of the people around us).
Example: Alcoholics who end up losing their jobs and families, lose their ability to be productive citizens, lose their ability to lead their families, lose the respect of their families and the people around them. … An alcoholic is ultimately being incredibly selfish, focusing just on himself and his short-term pleasure rather than on helping, encouraging, and growing the people (including family) around him. Experiencing the negative consequences of his actions (suffering that results from his actions) is often necessary for an alcoholic to come to his senses, and to come away from the addiction (or at least want to come away from the addiction), and by doing so, to change his character for the better.
So, no pain, no gain.
Very often, unfortunately, character development does not happen without suffering.
So this is why God can choose to permit us to experience the suffering that results from our actions (and the actions of those around us).
Given that your question is basically asking why God permits pain and suffering, please see the response
Having said that, I am afraid that I don’t quite understand part of your question (the part about living in the shell of our egos). If you wish to further clarify your question, please feel free to contact us again.
Given that the question is basically asking about why God permits pain and suffering, please see the response
A good parent provides a combination of love, rewards and punishment to help develop the character of their children. Similarly, God provides a combination of love, rewards (love, joy, peace, his presence, health, and yes, material rewards as well) and punishment (negative consequences for our actions) that contribute to molding and growing our character. God's ultimate purpose with each of us is to develop a Christ-like character within us, so that we will develop into citizens of Heaven (citizens capable of spending an eternity in heaven, without our nature and behavior changing it into Hell; if God did not change our character, and if we were to go to Heaven just the way we are, our behavior in Heaven would change Heaven into Hell).
For more explanation of why God permits suffering in our lives, see the answer here.
However, there are no credible references that document the existence of such a person (or belief in such a person) before the time of Christ.
The name Virishna sounds to me like a name that was cooked up by conflation of Vishnu and Krishna (both Hindu Gods). Hinduism has no God named Virishna.
Virishna appears to be an anti-Christian hoax.
However, there are no credible references that document belief in such a god from before the time of Christ.
Beddou (Beddru) appears to be an anti-Christian hoax.
However, the alleged god Quexalcote is not listed in the Encyclopedia Mythica.
Quexalcote appears to be a variant of Quetzalcoatl (a South American Aztec god). The earliest Quetzalcoatl stories appear to have arisen in Meso-America about 900 years after the life of Jesus Christ. So if there are any similarities between Quetzalcoatl and Jesus, it is more likely that parts of Quetzalcoatl were modeled after Jesus (rather than the other way around).
However, the alleged god Sakia is not listed in the Encyclopedia Mythica.
And there do not appear to be any credible references that document belief in such a god from before the time of Christ.
Some anti-Christians appear to believe that Sakia is another name for Buddha, the originator of Buddhism.
However, the alleged god Salivahana is not listed in the encyclopedia Mythica.
And there do not appear to be any credible references that document belief in such a god from before the time of Christ.
In the book "Origin and Decline of the Christian Religion in India", F. wilford dates a Salivahana story to 676 AD. However Kersey Graves incorrectly claims that Wilford dates the story to before Christ, and skeptic Acharya S uses the incorrect reference.
The alleged pre-Christ existence of Salivahana appears to be an anti-Christian hoax.
Researching this claim... Looks like there was a Celtic warrior god called Esus (listed in Encyclopedia Mythica). This god appeared to have liked personally killing and personally torturing his victims.
Furthermore, there do not appear to be any credible references that document similarities with Christ (no virgin birth, no crucifixion, no resurrection) from before the time of Christ.
However, the alleged god(s) Hil-and-Feta is(are) not listed in the Encyclopedia Mythica.
And there do not appear to be any credible references that document belief in such a god (or gods) from before the time of Christ.
The alleged pre-Christ existence of Hil-and-Feta appears to be an anti-Christian hoax.
Such anti-Christians allege that Mithra was (1a) born of a virgin, (1b) on December 25th, (1c) in a cave (1d) attended by shepherds; (2) had 12 disciples; (3a) was buried in a tomb, and (3b) rose again, (3c) after three days; (4a) was called good shepherd, as well as (4b) lamb, (4c) Way, Truth and the Light, (4d) Logos, Redeemer, Savior, Messiah; (5a) he instituted a Lord's Supper, and (5b) said 'He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved'.
Looking into these claims, we find...
There are two versions of Mithra-worship.
The later Roman version dates to after the time of Christ, and appears to have acquired some features by diffusion from Christianity.
1b. The New Testament does not claim that Jesus was born on December 25th.
1c. According to Mithraic writings, Mithra was born within a mountain (Jesus was born in a stable).
1d. Writings indicating attendance by shepherds date from after the time of Christ.
2. Mithra has one disciple (Persian version) or two disciples (Roman version).
3a-c. No credible documentary evidence of Mithra being buried in a tomb, or rising again, or doing so after three days.
4a-d. No credible documentary evidence of Mithra being called any of the terms -- good shepherd, or lamb, or Way, Truth and the Light, or Logos, Redeemer, Savior, Messiah.
5a-b. No credible documentary evidence of Mithra instituting a Lord's supper, or stating that his alleged Lord's supper was a prerequisite to salvation of his followers.
What is the Trinity about?
[ EmQ-05070101, adapted from April G ]
Response by LB.
To understand the Trinity is to understand God in a more complete sense.
Although the concept of Trinity is not labeled as such in the Bible, the idea is mentioned and the term is appropriate in explaining God. In the Old Testament we are presented the aspects of God as provider, lawgiver and patient caretaker who loves us.
In the New Testament, we see God as being with us in the person of Jesus Christ.
In John 10:30 Jesus states that, "I and the Father are one." Later, in John 14:9 he tells us that, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." And, in John 12:45 Jesus says, "He who beholds Me behold the One who sent Me."
Further, we're given another facet of God in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit, who resides within us always, this was God's gift and plan for us. In John 14:16-17 Jesus told His followers, "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you."
God wants us to know Him, but He wants us to seek Him. He wants us to use our free will to love and obey Him. He wants us to choose to spend eternity with Him. He loves us that much.
Does the New Testament teach that Jesus is God ?
[ EmQ-05070102, from April G ]
Response by LB.
Here are a few verses from the NT that are relevant to this question.
John 1 :1,14 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ...the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." God came to us in the flesh as the person of Jesus Christ! How exciting is that?
Colossian 1:15 states, speaking of Jesus, "He is the image of the invisible God." God made Himself known by coming here as Jesus. That's great news!
Hebrews 1:3 tells us that "The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being." He has let us know the power of His love and good intentions by living with us as Jesus Christ. Beautiful!
Colossian 2:9 explains "In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form." Jesus is the total picture of what God wants from us and for us. God has provided us with everything we need to spend eternity with Him in Heaven and follow Him in every way. He's also given us the gift of the Holy Spirit as guide when things get tricky for us or we need extra help. Salvation is a free gift, the Holy Spirit is a free gift, His love and provision are all for free and lead us to the best life, we need to repent and ask Jesus into our heart and let go of our sinful life, start over with Him. The best thing you'll ever know in your life is your relationship with Jesus Christ!
Did Jesus claim to be God?
[ EmQ-05070103, from April G ]
Response by LB.
Yes he did and that's great news for us! We have a living breathing example of the love and wonder of God because He came to live with us in person as Jesus Christ.
The Old Testament prophesized that he would come in many ways. You might refer to the Matthew write-up on the Bible section on this site to see just a few of the Old Testament prophesies that Jesus fulfilled.
In John 8:58 Jesus states, "Before Abraham was born, I am", also in John 14:9 He states, "Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father" indicating that He and the Father are one.
God performed miracles as Jesus. And God further showed His glory in resurrecting Jesus body.
God knew that we needed someone concrete, someone to whom we could directly relate. So He gave us Himself, in the person of Jesus so that we'd know how to love one another and love Him. He wants us to spend eternal life with Him but He wants us to accept Him of our own free will, love him willingly not through force. God also knew our nature. We sin. We had everything we could ever want or need in the Garden of Eden yet we choose to break His one rule. We have the 10 Commandments and can't seem to stick to those either. He also knows that in order to release ourselves from sin, we need an opportunity to release those sins (whether they are sins we've done or sins done against us) and start all over. Jesus took on our sins so that we could start all over.
Philippians 2:5 tells us that, God as Jesus, "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross."
God knew what He was doing when He came here as Jesus to show us the way. He really loves us and wants us to live with Him in Heaven. He brought us the best news, the most wonderful hope in the world by showing His love, provision and care as Jesus. We are free to be born again and start a whole new life here with a path to eternity with Him! He loves us a whole lot!
I’m learning how to pray. I get distracted a lot and it’s frustrating. Do you ever feel that way?
[ EmQ-05090301, from John U ]
Response by LG
Yes, I often feel that way! Just like we can be distracted when trying to have a conversation with another person, we can be distracted when we are trying to talk to God. And being distracted can cause us some frustration.
Why does God give us free will?
[ EmQ-05090302, from John U ]
Response by LG
This is a great question.
Why does God permit suffering in our lives?
[ EmQ-05090303, adapted from John U ]
For those of us who have committed our lives to Christ, God permits suffering in order to develop character and Christ-likeness in us.
Why does God watch some of us suffer and live in the shell of our egos?
[ EmQ-05090303, from John U ]
Dear Friend, God does not sit in heaven, and watch us suffering, with any particular enjoyment. He permits suffering as a "necessary evil" for the purpose of developing Character and Christ-likeness in us.
I see men who are in pain around me. Pain becomes comfort to these gentlemen? Why? Why does God allow this?
[ EmQ-05090304, from John U ]
I am afraid I don’t quite understand your question (the part about pain becoming comfort).
You hear all the time that God is not a punishing God. I don’t understand.
[ EmQ-05090305, from John U ]
God shows us that he is a God of Love, but also a God of Justice. And his purpose for us on earth is to develop Character and Christ-likeness in us.
Who was Virishna and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031001, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Virishna lived about 1200 BC and and that he had many characteristics of Jesus Christ.
For additional info:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Who was Beddou and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031002, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Beddou (or Beddru) was a Japanese God who was worshipped about 1027 BC and who had many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ.
For additional info:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Level 2 - answer, with more detail.
Who was Quexalcote-of-Mexico and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031003, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Quexalcote was worshipped about 300 BC and that he had many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ.
For additional info:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Level 2 - answer, with more detail.
Who was Sakia-of-India and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031004, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Sakia was worshipped in India before the time of Christ and that he had many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ.
For additional info -- discussion of Buddha vs. Jesus:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Level 2 - answer 1, with more detail.
Level 2 - answer 2, with more detail.
Who was Salivahana and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031005, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Salivahana was worshipped before the time of Christ and that he had many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ.
For additional info:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Level 2 - answer, with more detail.
Who was Hesus-or-Eros of-the-Celtic-Druids and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031006, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Hesus was worshipped before the time of Christ and that he had many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ.
For additional info:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Level 2 - answer, with more detail.
Who were Hil-and-Feta of-the-Mandaites and was Jesus modeled on them?
[ Q-06031007, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Hil-and-Feta were worshipped before the time of Christ and that they (or he) had many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ.
For additional info:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Who was Mithra-of-Persia and was Jesus modeled on Him?
[ Q-06031008, from Daniel Q ]
Some anti-Christians claim that Mithra was worshipped before the time of Christ and that he had many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ.
The older Persian form dates back to about 1400 BC, and has no significant similarities to Christianity (apart from a belief in God, the supernatural etc).
What about the claims above?
1a. There is no credible documentation for Mithraic virgin birth.
For additional info:
Level 1 - simple answer.
Level 2 - answer, with more detail.